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Interview: Dizzy Wunda


Updated: Jul 19, 2022

Dizzy Wunda is a familiar face from Richmond, Virginia. Over a decade ago, he was rocking the club scene in Richmond with his singing and rapping. Around 2020, Dizzy Wunda returned back to doing music after a multi-year hiatus. The artist that has the beats that'll make you dizzy and lyrics that'll make you "wunda" has been rocking the radio stations such as 106.5 The Beat with his single Red Bottoms. When I first listened to Red Bottoms, I wasn't expecting him to have the vocals he had in the song. I saw why it was getting airplay because of how catchy the melodies were and his solid vocal range.

Dizzy will also be performing at an award show in March for Certified Hip Hop Magazine with Big Sty earning a lifetime achievement award (grab your tickets here). In the prior few months, he has been featured on the likes of the Spiked Punch Podcast and HearRVA. With his upcoming award show performance being a little over a month away, I had to talk to Dizzy to learn more about his background and experiences in the Richmond music scene.

Jay: Talk about the Purple Heart Gang. What is it?

Dizzy: The Purple Heart Gang isn't really a gang but a representation for anyone that's been through the "War" and made it out. I know usually it's given to those wounded or killed in battle, but being from Richmond, Virginia. You learn to adapt quickly to harsh circumstances and I can attest because I made it past eighteen.

Jay: Talk to me about your production company and what are some lessons you have learned working with a production company.

Dizzy: Well, I own DiZzYwUnDa Productions and I have for over ten years! You know, they say if you build it they will come, and I’m thankful to have been writing and producing for talented artists over the years. The main thing that I’ve learned is to spread the love! Music is love!

Jay: What was the best no you have ever received and why?

Dizzy: The best no I ever received was when I worked for a Jewelry company that I had become the number one seller in and I was told that I wouldn't receive commissions for a sale that I had made. Instead, it would be taken because of a glitch in the system that put it under a new hire in training. That day was the day that I fully committed to valuing myself and my music career.

Jay: While doing some research on you, I noticed that you used to go by Wunda. What made you change your name at the time?

Dizzy: Wunda?! is a group composed of myself and Quinton Hunt who is also co-writer of the hit song Red Bottoms. He goes by Southern Wunda so together we make Wunda?!

Jay: Expound on your relationship with Southern Wunda. How did that partnership start and are there any upcoming works we should look out for this year?

Dizzy: Southern Wunda is a brother of mine that started this journey with me. He and I met in high school when he moved from Atlanta to Virginia in his classroom when I was skipping! That day we made a song and ever since then he and I toured together. We do have a project in the works under the name WUNDA?! and released our first song in 2021called How I Wanna Feel and you can find it on all major platforms

Jay: Who were some of your influences?

Dizzy: Most of my influences are from Richmond such as Harold Lilly, Skillz, D'Angelo, and Lonnie B. These intelligent people have not only influenced my music but my life.

Jay: From some research that I’ve done, you took a lengthy break from music. What caused that break and did that influence you to explore different avenues in music?

Dizzy: Well, I met my wife and started a family and I'm a father of four beautiful children. Nia, Jordan, Ayden, and Kynnedy. Becoming a parent has taught me so much about myself and my perspective of music. My oldest daughter loves rock and roll and my son loves Japanese pop music like PonPonPon... go figure! But because of it, I listen to different styles with open ears waiting to learn something new as I am always a student. I now write differently and also produce with different visions in mind.

Jay: Who are some indie artists that you would like to shout out?

Dizzy: I'd like to shout out Big Sty, Skillz, Big No, Rue, Clef Majors, and Majorway Studios, Harold Lilly and Hardcover, Gerrod Thomas, Noah O, Radio B, T.R.I.G. Lee, Illa Styles, OG Illa, Chi Chi The Eternal, Hear RVA, Spade Hanes and Rhythm Shack Studios, Rio Bridges, Martinez Kelly, Lenny Holmes, Dreya Q, and everyone spreading love in Richmond!

Keep up with the artist on all social media @DIZZYWUNDA . You can find all of his music HERE.

Written by: Jay Guevara. @justinhisprime on all social media

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