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Battle Rap's Power Couple Jakkboy Maine & First Lady Flamez

Richmond’s battle rap culture had a highlight moment on April 30th, when the city’s own Jakkboy Maine and First Lady Flamez put on a historic showing by opening up URL’s Kings Vs. Queens 3 Card. The two who also happen to be a couple set the tone by raising the energy in the building from the gate with haymakers and performance tactics.

Going into the battle, many questioned whether or not their relationship would have any effect on the level of competitiveness during their rounds. Flamez responded to the concern on Fifteen Minutes of Fame Radio (15MOFERADIO on Youtube), “we were two people that, regardless of the level of difficulty creating content-wise because of how close we are, we still gonna put our pens to the test and battle”. Jakk would later piggyback on that comment during their URL faceoff, “If I’m down 2-0, you better rap what the f*** it is that you got.” Flamez did just that.

To those not familiar with the two, the battle was a style clash. Jakkboy’s highlighted attributes are mainly rooted in performance and crowd control, which shines in his last performance against Chess on URL’s Banned Card. Jakk won the crowd with the haymaker, “They go from look y’all he be getting sturdy/To Doc, ‘How do we keep him stable?!’”, showing off his signature moves.

Flamez, also coming off of a stellar one-rounder performance in her March 4th battle against Hazzy (taking place on Our Society Battle League), showcased the same strong lyricism that would win the crowd over on URL’s card. One of her notable punches is, “But when it’s up, it’s stuck, baby/ Balloon release” - the tip of the iceberg when it comes to her lyrical prowess.

Despite the battle being a landslide victory for Flamez, both battlers showcased their skills and successfully raised each other's stock in the process. On May 7th, they carried their momentum against two of URL's heaviest hitters: DNA and O'fficial. While the battle was not streamed on the usual caffeine app, I was lucky enough to catch the audio in a Twitter space and hear a heavy haymaker from Jakk/Flamez in the second, "Chest shot, get DNA's man tits the f*** outta here/Back shot, since O'ffical a** and hips already the f*** outta here". They would end the night with a 2-1 going to either team depending on the listener's personal preference.

While it's in the air as of now what their next showings will be, one thing is for certain: they're definitely holding it down for the city of Richmond.

Written by: Bakarii. @therealbakari_ on Instagram. @BakariiKennedy on Twitter.

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